Fallout New Vegas Unique Armor Locations
Fallout: New Vegas - Optimal Equipment & XP Locations Fallout New Vegas BEST WEAPONS AND ARMOR-by Brandon Byrne (brndn.byrne Google Mail)Power Armor - There are several places to obtain power armor throughout theMojave Wasteland. Before wearing any power armor, you must earn power armortraining by completing the Brotherhood of Steel quests at the Hidden Valley(near Black Mountain). Completing those quests will get you the training andT-54d Power Armor and Power helmet.You can also get armor/helmet from a dead BoS paladin outside of Nellis AirForce Base inside an artillery crater (although I recommend talking to theBoomers so you aren't hammered by the artillery). There are also two deadpaladins in a large, irradiated crater near Black Mountain with evolvedcentuars surrounding the crater. One of the evolved centuars is called Moe andis highly dangerous, so bring some decent firepower.There is also a dead paladin at REPCONN Headquarters inside a room in the floorwith face scanning Mr. (WARNING: BOTH THE NCR AND THE LEGION AREHOSTILE TO THE BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL, SO WHEN YOU'RE WEARING POWER ARMOR, BOTHFACTIONS WILL ATTACK YOU ON SIGHT).Assualt Carbine - The assualt carbine resembles a modern M-16 and has a veryhigh DPS rate (around 120).
/r/fnv - Fallout: New Vegas community /r/fo4 - Fallout 4 community. Best Unique Weapons in New Vegas? Loving the game so far. I was just curious as to which Unique Weapons are the best. My build is primarily Guns/Energy Weapons, I haven't invested into Melee/Unarmed so I'm not interested in those. I own all the DLCs by the way. This guide contains the locations of all unique armor in Fallout New Vegas. This guide does not include the locations of unique armor added by DLC. This guide may include some minor quest spoilers. There are tons of items in Fallout New Vegas, you can use in your quest for survival in post apocalyptic Las Vegas, Nevada. There are armors, weapons, outfits and many more unique items that you.
You can buy one for the pricy sum of around 5000caps from Gun Runners. You can also occasionally find it off of NCR soldiersthroughout the wasteland. It uses 5.66mm ammo, which isn't hard to find, and isa great weapon overall.Tri-Beam Laser Rifle - The mother of all laser rifles, it is the most valuableand most dangerous energy weapon besides maybe the Gatling Laser.
With a DPS ofaround 150, it is definately a weapon to have with you at all times in battle.You can get it for around 3000 caps from Silver Rush.There is also a glitch where you can click the Right stick/Use R3 to grab it,take it to a room in the back of Silver Rush, close the door, crouch and waittill it says hidden, and steal it without the guards pulverising you. You canobtain anything from the stands inside Silver Rush this way, thought it isstill easier when using a Stealth Boy.Minigun - A machine that allows you to rain death on your enemies throughbullets coming at them every milisecond - epic, right? Although I haven't seenit any shops, there is a way to obtain it. Head to Black Mountain and followthe highway to the summit. You should see a bunch of super mutans and a supermutant master.
Fallout New Vegas Unique Armor Locations Xbox 360
The master should be carrying a minigun with some ammo. Kill themutants and the master, and search the master's body. There should be a minigunwith a bit of ammo let.
Enjoy your new weapon!BEST PLACES TO EARN XP -Black Mountain - Don't go here without some hefty firepower and a decent levelto match. Black Mountain is infested with Super Mutans, being the perfect placefor an XP killing spree. I recommend having at least one companion with you forsupporting fire.
Head to the summit via the highway and kill the mutants there.At the summit, kill the mutants there too. There is a nightkin sniper at theradio tower who will kill you with his sniper rifle. Eliminating him should beone of your main priorities. There are also a few nightkin to deal with, thoughthere are considerably easier to kill then the Super Mutants.Enter the brodcast building via the ground level door and head through the doorin the back labeled 'Exit to Mojave Wasteland.'

You should be fenced in. Lookunder the stairs and take Tabitha's key. Unlock the 2nd floor door and headinside. You should be greeted by Tabitha. Kill her for a hefty XP boost andsearch her body for a bunch of keys. The keys unlock the chests behind you,which contain lots of ammo.
Enjoy your XP!Red Rock Canyon - Great Kahns. Do I have to explain?