Cara Menghilangkan Garis Di Excel

Tips:.If Merge & Center is disabled, ensure that you’re not editing a cell—and the cells you want to merge aren’t formatted as an Excel table. Cells formatted as a table typically display alternating shaded rows, and perhaps filter arrows on the column headings.To merge cells without centering, click the arrow next to Merge and Center, and then click Merge Across or Merge Cells.Unmerge cellsIf you need to reverse a cell merge, click onto the merged cell and then choose Unmerge Cells item in the Merge & Center menu (see the figure above). Split text from one cell into multiple cellsYou can take the text in one or more cells, and distribute it to multiple cells. This is the opposite of concatenation, in which you.For example, you can split a column containing full names into separate First Name and Last Name columns:Follow the steps below to split text into multiple columns:.Select the cell or column that contains the text you want to split.

Cara menghilangkan garis di excel 2003

Jan 04, 2018  Garis biru atau gridlines yang terdapat pada lembar kerja excel merupakan salah ciri khas dari microsoft excel yang tidak dapat ditemukan pada microsoft office lainnya. Garis ini berfungsi untuk mempermudah kita dalam melihat cells dan membantu kita pada saat akan membuat sebuah tabel. Akan tetapi ada diantara kita yang merasa garis tersebut mengganggu. Cara menghilangkan garis pada text di Microsoft office - Ketika anda menyisipkan sebuah text box di program office, misalnya saja di Microsoft Word, maka secara otomatis ada garis yang mengelilingi teks anda. Sebenarnya garis tersebut cukup bermanfaat untuk menunjukan batas dari text atau pun mempercantik desain text.

Cara Menghilangkan Garis Bantu Di Excel

Note: Select as many rows as you want, but no more than one column. Also, ensure that are sufficient empty columns to the right—so that none of your data is deleted. Simply add empty columns, if necessary.Click Data Text to Columns, which displays the Convert Text to Columns Wizard.Click Delimited Next.Check the Space box, and clear the rest of the boxes. Or, check both the Comma and Space boxes if that is how your text is split (such as 'Reyes, Javiers', with a comma and space between the names). A preview of the data appears in the panel at the bottom of the popup window.Click Next and then choose the format for your new columns. If you don't want the default format, choose a format such as Text, then click the second column of data in the Data preview window, and click the same format again.

Repeat this for all of the columns in the preview window.Click thebutton to the right of the Destination box to collapse the popup window.Anywhere in your workbook, select the cells that you want to contain the split data. For example, if you are dividing a full name into a first name column and a last name column, select the appropriate number of cells in two adjacent columns.Click thebutton to expand the popup window again, and then click the Finish button.

Important: Only the data in the upper-left cell from a range of selected cells remains in the merged cell. Excel deletes data in the other cells of the selected range.If Merge or Merge & Center is not available on the Home tab, make sure that the cells you want to merge aren’t inside a table.If you change your mind, you can always unmerge the cells.Select a merged cell.On the Home tab, tap Merge or Merge & Center again.If Merge or Merge & Center is not available on the Home tab, then the selected cell might not be a merged cell. Need more help?You can always ask an expert in the, get support in the, or suggest a new feature or improvement on.See Also.

Note: Microsoft Excel has the following column and row limits: 16,384 columns wide by 1,048,576 rows tall. Insert or delete a column.To insert a column, select the column, select Home Insert Insert Sheet Columns.To delete a column, select the column, select Home Insert Delete Sheet Columns.Or, right-click the top of the column, and then select Insert or Delete.Insert or delete a row.To insert a row, select the row, select Home Insert Insert Sheet Rows.To delete a row, select the row, select Home Insert Delete Sheet Rows.Or, right-click the selected row, and then select Insert or Delete.Insert a cell.Select one or more cells. Right-click and select Insert.From the Insert box, select a row, column or cell to insert. For example, to insert a cell between “Summer” and “Winter”:.Click the cell “Winter.”.On the Home tab, click the arrow under Insert, and then click Insert Cells & Shift Down.A new cell is added above the cell “Winter” and looks like this:Insert rowsTo insert a single row: Right-click the whole row above which you want to insert the new row, and then click Insert Rows.To insert multiple rows: Select the same number of rows above which you want to add the new ones. Right-click the selection and click Insert Rows.

Cara Menghilangkan Garis Di Excel Gratis

Insert columnsTo insert a single new column: Right-click the whole column to the right of where you want to add the new column. For example, to insert a column between columns B and C, right-click column C, and click Insert Columns.To insert multiple columns: Select the same number of columns to the right of which you want to add new ones. Right-click the selection and click Insert Columns. Delete cells, rows, or columnsIf you don’t need any of the existing cells, rows or columns, here’s how to delete them:.Select the cells, rows, or columns that you want to delete.On the Home tab, click the arrow under Delete, and then click the appropriate delete option.When you delete rows or columns, other rows or columns automatically shift up or to the left.