Disciples 2 Best Lord

Well, with Disciples II Gold, I can definitely become acquainted with this. The story is your typical dark hordes versus the powers of good, which. Each with its own unique units, players will also choose a Lord type, of which there are three.

What you need to know? Game is very simple compared to Heroes after all.You need help with multi player or single player? I have very little experience with former, but needless to say that adventure map spells and thieves play a much greater role in multiplayer. If you can barrage enemy main group with spells before attack do so. If you can't, shield in towns, especially if enemy group is faster than you.Always try to soften up tough enemies with thieves and overland spells before attacking them with your forces. Or alternatively buff your forces.If you play with Hordes best course and easiest is to go for Death, their immunity to melee make them imba, and they have high damage so they can kill most of the creatures (usually Wizards) who could damage them.

Once you got Wraiths you can start taking otherwise very difficult neutrals who do only melee damage.With Empire fastest way to level is to use two healers. Triumph motorcycles paint codes. Pegasus Knight has advantage over other heroes since it flies at least in single missions. Same does apply partially for the Elves as well.Mountain Clans have nice little spell that returns movement fully once it is spent, enabling you to take 4 battles at one turn if possible. Many of the units also do elemental damage instead of melee, so they are good choice against Hordes.

Disciples 2 Lock Unit Type

Most of their units have really low initiative but at least they are sturdy. Unit rotation depends on a lot of factors. My suggestions:- When necessary, always move your wounded melee units away from enemy melee contact. Position your units so that the units with the least hit points get the least hits and vice versa.- DEFENSE IS THE SINGLE MOST OVERPOWERED TACTIC IN DISCIPLES 2. Defending units will last longer and will turn the tides of battle, especially when there is a healer around.

DEFENDING ARMORED UNITS (like the Onyx Gargoyle) are a total pain in the. (for the enemy of course).- WITH DEFENSE you can put cheap lvl1 units (esp. Ones with high initiative help A LOT) in the frontline and let them tank for you. You might even sacrifice a couple of cheap units in favor of your back row units so that they level up easier & faster.- You can also build an archer army if you want (5 archers of your choice + Hero). It's risky and not always easy, but a high level archer army is great fun to play. Works wonders with Elven Alliance's Sentries (70 initiative, baby!). This is also the reason they nerfed Deaths, because before Rise of the Elves, the '5 Deaths + Hero' tactic was grossly overpowered.

Don't forget that archers are more vulnerable to adventure map spells though.- If you notice that a unit will die next turn if he/she gets hit, you might consider DEFENDING him. That way you can save him/her.

Disciples 2 Maps

However, there are times that you need to risk it and attack the enemy, so don't always resort to defending if you feel your chances of winning is good. Darknessfood wrote:Nice! And what about creatures and stuff. Putting people in front of the fight etc.I usually play with the Guildmasters because of their long turns walking + they are archers. Perhaps a Mage is a good decision to have in this configuration, but if you want to change Fiends for Tiamats, but remember, those Pitties poison is almost always hitting which is LETHAL in fights against town guardians.


Esp in the top difficulty where they have 90% defense, what's better than dealing like 200 dmg instead of 20?Same goes for Dwarf's Frost Giants (I think was their name). You'll ALWAYS have to have STRONG unit that can make physical and a STRONG unit that can make magical damage.

Remember also - less units = more XP after battle. Well, that depends on whether you want to capture capitals or not. If you do want to capture capitals, then you really need a high level army. High hit points (for all of your units in the party) and at least one creature with Poison/Blister/Frostbite damage is necessary when capturing capital cities. (I also recommend stashing some armor potions for these battles.)And if you let 'Very Hard AI' stay too long under the fog of war, you will definitely meet with 'imba' enemy armies.

A high level army of your own also helps you defeat these armies.

Disciples II: Rise of the Elves - Items List/FAQ Disciples II: Rise of the Elves (PC) Items List/FAQ Final VersionWritten On: By: TheUndeadKing Table of Contents: I. Itemsa) Artifactsb) Bannersc) Bootsd) Orbse) Potionsf) Scrollsg) Talismansh) Tomesi) Valuablesj) Wandsk) Special ItemsIII. Special Thanks I. Introduction Your leader(s) can equip a certain number of items: 2 Artifacts, 2 Orbs/Potions/Talismans,1 Banner, 1 Boots and 1 Tome. In order to equip an item, open the paperdoll screen of theleader and place the items.

Artifacts are placed on the lower left and right corners.Orbs/Potions/Talismans are placed on the left and right spaces in the middle. Banners areplaced on the upper left corner. Tomes are placed on the upper right corner.

Bootsare placed on the middle space at the bottom (paperdoll's legs). II. Items -a) Artifacts:-These items can only be equipped by leaders that have the 'Artifact Lore' ability. Artifactsmust be placed into their own slots (2 slots available) in order to gain their benefits.